Corrine Merker


Mrs. Merker's 

                    First Grade Class                 

   Our Bunch Includes...

 Russell   Declan   Luanne   Bella   Henry
Maeve   Jack   Danika   Bodhi
Jeremy   Nate   Denisse   James   Otis
Norah   Juliette   Zac   Leo   Eden


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Important Dates:

Read Across America Week:
2/27: Mustache Day
2/28: Green Eggs & Ham Day (wear green)
3/1: Wacky Wednesday (show your wacky style)
3/2: Cat In The Hat (wear a hat and/or stripes)
3/3: Sleep Book (Wear a comfy outfit)
3/10: School Closed


Specials Schedule:

Monday-  Art

Tuesday- Music & Art

Wednesday: E & I

Thursday-  Gym & Music

Friday-  Spanish, Gym, and Library every other week


We are working on place value, making a ten to add and subtract, and strengthening our basic facts, missing addends, and data collection.

Fun Math links: - 9k

Science: We are learning about life cycles of plants and certain animals.

We are working on proper sentence writing and using details. 
We will also be finishing up our personal narrative writing.


We are working on words and words that contain closed syllables. 

Every Monday, the students will receive new trick words to add to their word notebook.  These need to be reviewed on a daily basis with the suggested activities. 


 Please feel free to contact me through email or by calling me at (732)291-2020 ext. 1108